Thursday, January 22, 2009

F.M. Reich Duke Wilhelm to make the Grand Tour of our Imigni-Nation Allies

F.M. Reich Duke Wilhelm von Beerstein is planning to take Duchess Lynda on a Grand Tour of our Imigi-Nation allies. The recent flurry of diplomatic efforts has generated many invitation to visit the gracious sovereigns who have been honored with our Ancient and Honorable of the Tankard. It will provide Wilhelm and Lynda an opportunity to visit our Ambassadors and renew cherished friendships developed during our reign. Envoys will proceed the entourage to make final preparations and recognize those sovereigns who may have been inadvertently overlooked by our College of Honors.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wiener Müntze

Reich Finanzminister has announced that a comprehensive survey of all the coin of the realm has been completed.

For further details you are directed to view the Currency Converter, a link has been permanently established on the list to your left.

Each of the extremely detailed national currencies are summarized in this treatise on money.