Sunday, March 30, 2008
Otto men?
but ...
does anybody actually HAVE any Ottoman units ready for gaming????
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Who's on First?
(actually, two, the first one of which pointed out that no single player seems to be playing the Empire at the moment).
In my reading of the 'near end' of the Habsburg 'empire' there were at least 4 factions vieing for control of the Imperial Court.
The Empress' was generally neutral, wiht a mind to using less absolutist means to gaining control, or at least influence, in the European courts outside Vienna. She would rather have used marriages (in the Feudal tradition) and open alliances rather than the, relatively newer, written treaties.
The Hawks were ready to fight -> seemingly all the time to gain their ends.
The Doves held sway over much of the populace and they also tended to support the Empress in 'slower' (read older) diplomatic methods.
The Absolutists, a bit of a mixed bag really, but primarily concerned with maintaining the supremacy of the Catholic faith and in keeping the 'monarchic' rule in power. This small and politically nebulous group could switch from Hawks to Empress to Dove's factions as fast as a battaltion can load and fire.
I say all this to point out the difficulty in having a 'single' entity 'speaking' for Austria, quite often the Historical Austria was speaking out of three sides of its collective mouth at the same time!
March 29, 2008 8:42 AM
to which I reply: ;
Perhaps, I think we each should take the role of one of the ministers etc. at the Imperial court then ....
Indeed, I hope this gets copied back on the Oysterrich blog ...
These days, I don't actually own any of Duffy's books except for Fire and Stone which is temporarily inaccessible.
I remember reading at least one of his books on the Empress and her army ... and recall that there were also several factions we need to be aware of as wargamers ...
There was a sort of manipulator who tried to run the Empire for her singlehanded, whose name I forget ...
There were the few good generals, Brown and Daun being prominent that she relied upon for independent ideas.
There was some sort of military council which seemed dedicated to preserving whatever didn't work and inhibiting any effective innovations.
All this is quite dim ... suitable for me, I suppose, as my friends imply that I'm quite dim on occasion.
Now obviously, I'm playing more for the yucks than the solid history at the moment, so I'm not the guy to draw up a list ... and there is the roster of characters I created for the Wieners ...
How's about somebody drawing up a set of ministers or whatever and we each stake out a position ....
BTW, Frankszonia, while obviously loyal, wishes that the Germanians and Wieners would get their act together so the Gallians would go home ... on the other hand, we'd also LOVE to see everybody occupied with somebody nastier than us so we can quietly continue to enhance the qualities of local sovereignty ...
Some thoughts about the Vienna Court...
The Empress' was generally neutral, wiht a mind to using less absolutist means to gaining control, or at least influence, in the European courts outside Vienna. She would rather have used marriages (in the Feudal tradition) and open alliances rather than the, relatively newer, written treaties.
The Hawks were ready to fight -> seemingly all the time to gain their ends.
The Doves held sway over much of the populace and they also tended to support the Empress in 'slower' (read older) diplomatic methods.
The Absolutists, a bit of a mixed bag really, but primarily concerned with maintaining the supremacy of the Catholic faith and in keeping the 'monarchic' rule in power. This small and politically nebulous group could switch from Hawks to Empress to Dove's factions as fast as a battaltion can load and fire.
I say all this to point out the difficulty in having a 'single' entity 'speaking' for Austria, quite often the Historical Austria was speaking out of three sides of its collective mouth at the same time!
This means that we...all of the posting contributors to Österreich Über Alles, whom may have some current active interest in the story(ies) unfolding should feel free to place some of their thoughts and action plans into being here on Österreich Über Alles -> if only so that the others can either bugger it up, ignore it, join in with it and really mess things up, or start on a pathway of their own!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A letter
To their florivorios Majesties of Europa,
Greetings in the name of Right ! To her fragrentness blossom Maria Theresa and the heads of states insignificant and petty I send the greetings of my master Mustapha Sultan of the East and master of all!
I write,once more and with the greatest urgency demanding that ambassadors be appointed and sent forthwith to His Excellency's Palace in Istanbul that relations may be made known regarding the handing over of what land is rightly ours since 1739! We have waited long and desire only peace and land that is our by Laws divine and human! The land once known as the Banat of Torgoras is once more under our control and so we wait upon the border of Austria and Europa herself!
An ultimatum is being sent forth to Europa - if no ambassadors are forthcoming by the next Full Moon , accompanied by endeavours to surrender lands once more to us then we shall call the full force of our armies will be asked to meet, from all the ends of the earth, with a view to war !
We wish peace and justice to flow between our lands and Europa as well as the Eastern territories of the Austrian Empire to be ours once more . Failure to do so will regretfully mean the sounding of the shrill flute of conquest! That which was stopped at the gates of Vienna will not be stopped this time!
Evidya Secretary to the Vizier- blessed be his name for ever!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A letter to the Austrian Court

A letter from Istanbul...
To their florivorios Majesties,
Greetings in the name of Peace! To her fragrentness blossom Maria Theresa I send the greetings of my master Mustapha Sultan of the East and master of all!
I write to ask that an ambassador be appointed and sent forthwith to His Excellency's Palace in Istanbul that relations may be made known regarding the handing over of what land is rightly ours since 1739! We have waited long and desire only peace and land that is our by Laws divine and human!
We wish peace and justice to flow between our lands and the Eastern territories of the Austrian Empire to be ours once more . Failure to do so may regretfully mean the sounding of the shrill flute of conquest!
Evidya Secretary to the Vizier- blessed be his name for ever!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Rat des Krieges
A time for action comes.
Will the hawks of the council step forward to advise Her Majesty on the needed course of action?
Certainly the early gains in central Germany effected by the General von Stein should be a point of focus of this Rat des Krieges?
Grand Parlour of Mercure Imlauer Wien
Late afternooon as the great and near-great potentates of Österreich are arriving.
now shall the Rat des Krieges commence?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Arms of Österreich

While my white coated Austrian collection has still much more expansion to do, you can see the latest artillery train to join these growing ranks at Murdock'S MarauderS.