Sunday, January 20, 2008


With this superb picture of Von Trenck I say hello and that I am looking forward to joining in the Imperial fun- now what happens next....


MurdocK said...

Greetings and wilkommen!

The first step I suggest in the 'storytelling' plan might be to establish a 'ruling' or Aulic council. One that our member states would easily be part of, which would be 'advising' the Imperial Court (for essentially we become that 'court') and setting the terms for whom shall be war minister, or Generalissmus or foreign ministers etc, etc, etc...

This way we might just get a feel for what the general chaos and intrigue the Habsburg Imperial Court was like?

Bluebear Jeff said...

I for one certainly hope that "The Imperium" blog keeps its own identity. I like having the historical background that it provides.

-- Jeff