Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time Frame...?

Hello everyone.

I know that many of us are working from a mid 1700's time frame, working towards various 7 years war games using tricorned troops.

I have also been working on a 1809 based campaign and thought it might be interesting to establish something of a 'talk shop' here at Österreich Über Alles, which could represent the Aulic Council. A body of Imperial nobles and notables that 'counceled' the Imperial Court on matters military...

If any might be interested, the first order of discussion would be set in 1806...just after the Emperor has signed the Treaty of Pressburg, making peace with Bony the Ogre.


Der Alte Fritz said...

Well, I would imagine that Hesse Seewald has been coopted by the French Empire. It stayed neutral in 1806 and was able to keep its country in one peace, albeit much like the Saxons. The HS armies would probably be allies of Napoleon in 1809. (sad to say)

Capt Bill said...

Clearly, the Reich Duchy of Beerstein would supply troops and resources to Austria under the leadership of the Third Reich Duke. A future descendant, Baron von Beerstein even flies an Albatross in the First World War...

Anonymous said...

Pfalz-Kognat-Obersayn will not survive the Peace, being subsumed into the Confederation of the Rhein, sad to say, with subsequent annexation into Prussia (after the war) to follow...

MurdocK said...

Whither the 'background' nation were to stay within the boundaries of Österreich is of no consequence here...

Note that many nobles would have lost lands or positions during the tumultuous years from 1800 to 1806, some might have stayed to try and navigate the way forward within their original boundaries, some - those who held a seat in the Aulic council - might have chosen to leave their heriditary lands, to assigned new ones by Imperial Diet via the floor of the Aulic Council...

Essentialy what I am looking for here are some players who might be able to 'discuss' items in such a forum that would discomfit Erzherzog Karl, Generallissmus and serve as a 'check' to some of his excesses of power? Within the coming 1809 campaign framework such discussions could serve to 'frame' the new Austrian Army to be used in the game?